Wednesday 22 September 2010

Rock n roll

Rock n Roll is a type of genre of music that is known to have evolved in the country of the United States in the nineteen forty's and was very popular in the nineteen fifties and as a result it was able to quickly spread throughout the rest of the world. It was at a later time that it was able to spawn into the other various sub-genres that are now considered as simply one term which is rock. Rock is typically accompanies by lyrics as well and the beat is known to be a rhythm that consists of the boogie woggie blues that also contains an accentuated backbeat that is know to most of the time be provided by what is known as a snare drum. It is also know that classic rock and roll is also played with an electric guitar or even two electric guitars as well as an electric bass guitar and also a drum kit. The two different electric guitars have purposes, one is used for the lead and one is used for the rhythm. When it comes to the style of the nineteen fifties rock n roll you will see that the saxophone was the instrument that was known to take the lead.
The saxophone actually was replaced in the nineteen fifties. During the nineteen forties the piano was known as the lead instrument and was part of the music that was able to dominate the American music in this time period as well. Based on the massive popularity as well as the scope of rock and roll it received a rather unprecedented social impact which was known to have been far beyond what was known as a simple musical style. Rock n Roll was able to influence the lifestyles of the people that listened to it as well as the fashion in the clothes that they wore. Not to mention that the attitudes of the listeners were impacted as well as the language that they used as well. It was also known that many of the stars that hit the scene early like Elvis Presley were able to build a movie or television career which was based around their music. Back then the term that we refer to as rock and roll was also the black slang for dancing or sex. In the English vocabulary you will find that the word rock is known to mean shake up and the word roll means to have sex.

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